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更新时间:2025-03-10 20:08:49

silent film

英 [ˈsailənt film]

美 [ˈsaɪlənt fɪlm]


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1. silent film是什么意思

1. 默片,无声片:colour film 彩色片 (美作:color film) | silent film 默片,无声片 | dubbed film 配音复制的影片,译制片

2. 无声电影:feature film 故事片 | silent film 无声电影 | tragedy 悲剧

3. 无声片:colour film 彩色片 (美作:color film) | silent film无声片 | silent cinema, silent films 无声电影


4. 默片,无声片 (来源:EnglishCN英语博客基地):footage影片长度 | silent film默片,无声片 (来源:EnglishCN英语博客基地) | dubbed film配音复制的影片,译制片

The Tramp, also known as The Little Tramp was Charlie Chaplin's most memorable on-screen character, a recognized icon of world cinema most dominant during the silent film era.(其中最为著名的是《流浪汉》,在无声电影时代,他饰演的“流浪汉”这个人物被公认为是全世界电影院中出现最多次的。)
Her father also stayed at the Adlon on a visit to Berlin in 1931, on a promotional trip for his last and most successful silent film, "City Lights".(早在1931年,到访德国的卓老就下榻于阿德隆酒店,当时是为了给其最后、也是最成功的一部无声电影《城市之光》造势。)
An Irish filmmaker has uncovered irrefutable evidence of the viability of time travel: a shot of a woman jabbering into a cellphone in a Charlie Chaplin silent film.(爱尔兰的一位电影制片人发现了穿越时空的有力证据。在查理·卓别林的默剧中一个女人对着一部手机含混不清地说话。)
The nominations for the 2012 Golden Globes have been revealed, with French silent film The Artist leading with six nominations, and two George Clooney films up against each other for best drama.(2012年度金球奖各奖项提名名单近日揭晓,法国无声电影《艺术家》获得六项提名领跑,而乔治·克鲁尼参与的两部影片将一同角逐最佳剧情类电影。)
Laugh and cry All become silent film.(笑和哭泣都变成无声的电影。)
We sat on the cushioned deck, in the shade of a canopy, as the sun-bleached shores of the Nile went by like a beautiful, colorful silent film.(我们坐在铺着软垫的甲板上,躲在帆布篷遮蔽的阴凉中,看着让太阳光晒得白花花的尼罗河河岸像一部美丽而多彩的无声电影从我们眼前掠过。)
Modern Time by Chaplin is a silent film.(卓别林演的《摩登时代》是一部无声影片。)
By his face, his eyes, he takes up the whole screen, like a silent film actor, he knew how to use them, but also know how to use his body;(通过他的脸庞,他的眼睛,他占据了整个屏幕,就像一个默片演员,他知道如何运用它们,也知道如何运用他的身体;)
Charlie Chaplin silent film era of the Hollywood star, he and his image created Ciarlo always be remembered together.(查理·卓别林是好莱坞默片时代的巨星,他和他所创造的夏尔洛形象一起被人们永远铭记。)
This silent film, based on the Winnipeg Ballet's interpretation of the Dracula novel, is performed as a dance, and features a cast drawn largely from the ranks of the Royal Winnipeg Ballet.(此部无声片基于温伯尼芭蕾舞团对《德古拉》小说的演绎,将舞蹈表演与电影技术结合制作而成。)
silent film是什么意思 silent film在线翻译 silent film什么意思 silent film的意思 silent film的翻译 silent film的解释 silent film的发音 silent film的同义词